Chasing Squirrels

Adhip Kashyap

Interactive Visualization of the Squirrel sightings in Central Park, New York City.

The graph is a Modded Scatter Map with a themed glyph.

Reminiscent of chasing squirrels in a park, this exhibit is meant to be playful showcase of data exploration. It invites the user to interact with each data point and see how it reacts.

Graph Description

Marks: point mark (themed Squirrel Graphic), Area(Central Park)

Channels: Position (lat,long), Color Hue (Primary Fur Color), Motion (Approaches/Runs from/Indifferent to humans)

How to read the data

Each Squirrel is represented by a graphic, color coded by their primary color. The graph shows a map of central park with coordinates of the squirrel sightings.

Color Legend
My Happy SVG


My Happy SVG


My Happy SVG


Hover over the point to see the reaction
My Happy SVG


My Happy SVG

Runs Away

My Happy SVG


100 squirrels are randomly selected from the dataset, refresh the page to see a different set of squirrels.